Surplus Stores Tips for the Online Form

Tips for the Online Form

  • Check Inventory Status: Prior to filling out the online form it is a good idea to check the status of your Inventory numbers. Are the stickers on WSU Property Inventory or Departmental Inventory? Knowing this prior to the start of the SDR will be very important as the online system will ask you these questions as you input inventory numbers.
  • Online Form Does Not Save Work: At this time users will not have the ability to save their work and come back and edit at a later time. Please plan accordingly when starting your surplus entries. If you get started and need to quit for some reason go ahead and submit the request. We do not mind having multiple SDR’s for one pickup.
  • Multiple Quantities of Non-Inventory Items: If your items do not have inventory numbers you can put multiple quantities of each like group of items on one line. Example, if you have 15 chairs with no numbers, you would select from the Category and Sub Category drop downs, “Furniture” then “Chairs” and put 15 in the quantity box. Then type in the Official Description. You can do the same with keyboards, mice, desks, etc. that do not have numbers.
  • Non-Inventory Items: Please try to be as accurate as possible when generating your list of surplus items. A more detailed list is very helpful for us to plan for equipment and personnel needs.
  • Questions: If you have any further questions about this process, please feel free to contact Surplus Stores at 335-3089.

Refrigerator Disposal

Non-working refrigerator disposal fee is $55.00 per unit. Please email an IRI to When you submit the SDR for pickup of the refrigerator, you can add a note in the comments box of the SDR that you have sent the IRI.

Computer Hard Drive Destruction

There is no fee to have Surplus Stores wipe or destroy your hard drives. Just leave your drives in the machines when you send to surplus and we will take care of them for you. Surplus will do a 3 pass binary overwrite on the drives that we plan to reuse. Hard drives that will not be reused will be crushed and destroyed. Please do not attempt to destroy the drives yourself as there are e-scrap laws that we must follow and the drives contain valuable recyclable material that we do not want to waste.

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Surplus Stores PO Box 641101 – Pullman WA 99164-1101 – 509-335-3089 – Contact Us